Happy New Year Everyone! I hope everyone had a splendid holiday season! I did! However, I am glad for the holidays to be over. I’m ready for spring and warm weather to arrive!
I’ve seen the number 33 many, many times over the holidays. More smaller encounters than larger, odd sightings though. The picture shown in this post was taken at Wal-Mart when I stopped to pick up a few things. There are bunches of these price signs at Wal-Mart all over the store but I rarely see numbers like 33. They are usually numbers like $10 (pictured in the background), $25, and $35 , etc. So I found this 33 a little out of place.
My new years resolution is to update this blog more often with my encounters with 33. So stay tuned for updates!
Happy 2K11!
Social tagging: 33 > happy new year > the number 33